Step into a realm where words are more than just ink on paper; they're transformative tools for growth and empowerment. Meet Toni Harris Taylor, an author, speaker, and visionary whose books and merchandise are not just products—they're gateways to personal and professional revolution.

Toni Harris Taylor's books and merchandise are your companions on the journey to personal and professional fulfillment. Embrace empowerment. Embrace transformation. Embrace Toni Harris Taylor.



Show up, Be up, Follow up to Blow up! is the formula for networking success. The best way for service-based entrepreneurs to find prospects is through networking. Networking is the art and skill of building relationships to open doors, get connections, collaborations, partnerships, referrals, and clients.

Toni also shares 25 real world stories of how her network has built their business with valuable relationships. Show up, Be up, Follow up to Blow up! is the networking strategy, that will change the trajectory of not only your business, but your life.

Purpose People Profits: How Everyday Entrepreneurs Create Drastic Results!

What you will learn in this book is why it’s important to define your purpose, why you need to find the people who can help you to get to your purpose, and then, what you need to do in the way of marketing and sales to make sure that your business is profitable. You will hear from my clients who’ve all been drastic in growing their businesses. They are part of a loving, supportive community that is committed to helping each other to grow by holding us accountable to our purpose. These entrepreneurs open doors for one another and introduce us to people, places, and things so that they can be profitable.

Viral Networking For Drastic Results

Networking can changes business and lives but if you don't know how to do it right, it can be a waste of time. This book helps business professionals understand the real power of networking. It shares the secrets of 20 successful networkers and how they used their networking skills to get more referrals, increase their business and change their lives.

45 Minute Business Breakthroughs

Download my new book and I'll show you how you can triple your current number of leads, double your sales and increase your annual revenue by $50,000 or more... and WITHOUT spending a cent on marketing or advertising... GUARANTEED!

Strategic Entrepreneurship

You will change the trajectory of your business if you pay attention and listen to the wisdom they share. Remember, it takes drastic steps to get drastic results and staying in the game of entrepreneurship is much easier when you have a network to grow with.

Soar 2 Success Email Marketing

General sales and marketing techniques reach a large number of people at once, hoping that at least a few of them will take interest and want to know more. Email marketing, when done right, is a targeted strategy that connects and builds relationships with individuals one at time by utilizing a vehicle they each engage with daily, sometimes hourly or more – their Inbox!

Soar 2 Success in Sales & Marketing

Strategic Sales and Marketing are critical necessities in every business. However, many business owners may not realize the opportunities to improve their efforts that are right in front of them. Their thought is that if they are busy working IN their business in some capacity, it will automatically have an effect ON their business and show growth. That mindset can lead to lackluster results with only periodic spurts of profitable activity.

Sometimes You Have To Take A Drastic Step to Turn Your Life Around

Whether it's reaching your personal goals such as improving your health or relationships; professional goals such as starting a business or finding your passion or your financial goals like earning the income you desire, or recovering from a financial setbacks, Toni's message from this book is for you! 

Drastic Results Planner

This is a Drastic Results undated planner. This is a powerful tool to stay focused on achieving your networking goals to grow your small business. It aims to help you to be more organized and productive to get that drastic result you've been hoping for.

Get Your Free Guide! Profitable Networking for Six-Figures and Beyond!

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